How LinkedIn Recruits with Data | Brendan Browne's SoureCon Presentation on Data Driven Recruiting презентация


Data Driven Recruiting

Слайд 2Data Driven Recruiting

Слайд 3#SourceCon

Слайд 5
Recruiting Has Changed

Слайд 6#SourceCon

Слайд 7
The recruiting organization that figures out how to extract the value

of the web’s people data and build a recruiting team model that operationalizes at scale
will define the future of talent acquisition

The Opportunity


Слайд 8Making a plan

Слайд 92010

Слайд 10Enough vision,
we need engineers

Слайд 11Making a plan (again)

Слайд 12Use data to build credibility

Слайд 13

Слайд 14#SourceCon

Слайд 15#SourceCon

Слайд 16 Keywords: "Data Center" OR "Datacenter"
Location Within 50 Miles

Seniority: Manager
Interested In: Potential Employees
Company Size: 501-1,000 OR 1,001-5,000 OR
5,001-10,000, OR 10,000+
Years of Experience: 6 to 10 years OR More than 10 years
Years in Position: 3-5 years OR 6-10 years
Company Type: Public Company
Language: English
Recommendations: 3-4 OR 5-10 OR 11-20 OR >20

Using Data To Set Expectations


Слайд 17Initial search: 7
Remove recommendation: 19
Remove years in position: 71
Remove company type:

Remove company size: 126

Expectations Are High & Results Fall Short


Слайд 18Shared Accountability
& Change In Perception

Слайд 19We Made Progress But It’s Not A Platform, Or Scalable

Слайд 20Up Your Data Game

Слайд 21 The Where: 475K+ Software Engineers in US

Слайд 22(based on LinkedIn recruiter contact Feb-Aug 2012)

The Where: Big

Markets vs. Hidden Gems


Слайд 23Supply

The Where & Some Why: NYC Has 33% More

Supply & Less Demand Than Seattle


Слайд 24

(word size represents skill frequency)

The Where & Why: Skill

Mix By City


Слайд 25

Manager and Above
Manager and Above
The Where & Why: NYC

Has More Senior & Management-Level Talent


Слайд 26New York
The Why: ABC Co Is More Connected In

Seattle With 618 Employees Connected To 2,255 Engineers


Слайд 27

21% more likely to be knowledgeable of employers

12% more likely to

have a positive impression of employers

10% more likely to consider a job with employers

“Connectedness” Matters


Слайд 28 The Why: Talent Flows – Winning Or Losing?

Слайд 29Up Your Data Game

Слайд 30The Where + Hidden Gems
Connectedness Matters
Skills & Seniority
Win/Loss Rate

Слайд 31#SourceCon

Слайд 32We Made More Progress But It’s Still Not A Platform

Слайд 33

Identifying candidates is not the challenge

Слайд 34

Operationalizing is the challenge

Слайд 36In sales and marketing

to spend

Which prospects are most likely engage?




Pilot: 2,000 systems infrastructure engineers

2,000 Systems Infrastructure Engineers


Слайд 38Never Cold Contact Anyone!

Слайд 39Ever, Or You Fail The IQ Test!

Слайд 40
1:Many = World-Class Consumer Marketing

Слайд 41So What Were The Results?

Слайд 43Most Successful Systems Infra & Data Recruiter
Most Successful Quarter in Eng


3X increase in candidate response rate

Highest conversion rate of applicant to onsite

Highest conversion rate of applicant to offer

TAM 1:Many
served LI content more likely to make it to onsite vs. other applicants

Key Lever For Driving Efficiency & Reducing Hours

Eng SI Pilot Results


Слайд 44W.I.I.F.M?

Слайд 45Reactive Recruiting Model

Keyword Searching Jockey

Prioritize the Top of List

Cold Outreach
See Activity

Intel Dispersed


Слайд 46Planful and Prioritized Co-signors

Search Once and Manage

Prioritize High Fit & Affinity



See Activity

Market Intel Mastered


Слайд 47#SourceCon

Слайд 48What This Means For Us?

Слайд 49Shift in Mindset Must Happen

Lead with data
and iterate
Don’t do it alone

Слайд 50Realize and internalize the world of talent has changed
Test drive addressable

market & segmentation on one of your critical talent pools

Assess whether you and your team are ready to transform




Three To Dos


Слайд 51
lucky day!

This is

Слайд 52
Today is

Слайд 532016

Слайд 54 What To Learn More?

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